Some workflows I wrote for my phd research projects:
Data pre-processing for variant discovery GATK4
GATK4 germline short variant discovery (SNPs + Indels)
GATK4 call somatic snvs indels
Mitochondrial short variant discovery (SNVs + Indels)
SV pipelines
CNV pipelines
Mutational signatures
Telomere length estimation
Eigenetic clock
Epigenome-wide association study
Genome-wide association study
Methylation quantitative trait loci analysis
Causal mediation analysis
Create summary stats table
Chord diagram
Correlation heatmap
Heatmap shows overlapping CpGs of epigenetic clocks
Correlation plots
Regression coefficient and CI plot
Meta-analysis funnel plot
Meta-analysis forest plot
Sample flow chart
t-test boxplot
Bidirectional Manhattan plot and QQ plot
SNP CpG association
Global ancestry PCA
Year one screening exam